In folklore, the raven is known as a mischievous trickster, a shapeshifter, and a revered cultural figure. The raven embodies duality, walking the line between foolishness and wisdom, trouble maker and helper, chaos and order. Holding the power to traverse into the realm of the dead and return with deceased loved ones. Serving as a guide when walking in the darkest corners of inner conflict, it is believed when a raven crosses your path, magic is at play. Capable of manipulating time and space to orchestrate moments of perfection with divine precision, ensuring that the right opportunities manifest at the perfect time. 

A symbol of reflection, renewal, healing and rebirth, its dark colour a reflection of the intricate dance of shadow and light within us all. Like a masterful artist blending hues on a canvas, the raven mixes all facets of existence until they harmonize and emerge victoriously into the luminous realms of understanding.

In the presence of the raven, we are reminded that transformation is not just a possibility but an inevitability, that healing is not merely a concept but a tangible journey we all must undertake. 

Let us welcome you to Project Raven, we can’t wait for you to embrace the magic, the change, and the healing it brings forth.


your story

You're here for a reason – a survivor of battles fought in the shadows, a conqueror of your own fears. It's time to heal, to break free from the shackles of silence, to let the wounds breathe and the scars speak!

Whether you're a first responder dealing with the aftermath of a difficult call, a survivor of domestic violence reclaiming your power, or a warrior overcoming the scars of human trafficking, your voice matters. Your story is unique and has the potential to inspire others who may be walking a similar path. By sharing your experiences, you’re not just letting go of the pain - you’re lighting a path for others to follow.

Your journey is a beacon of light for others who may be walking a similar path. So take a deep breath, embrace your inner warrior, and let us stand together as we share your story of resilience and victory.

You are not alone. You are a warrior. And your story deserves to be heard.

Let's write a new chapter together.


Inner Panda Co. dares to break the silence! Fearlessly diving into the depths of pain and suffering, for it is there that we find the resilience and strength of the human spirit.  We firmly believe that every story matters and should be shared! 

Understanding that not everyone may feel comfortable writing a book or speaking in front of an audience to share their experiences, we refuse to let these stories go unheard! Introducing Project Raven, our initiative to shine a light on the often unseen and neglected tales of trauma survivors! Each story we uncover serves as a beacon of strength in a world that sometimes forgets to listen. We offer a safe and confidential space for sharing without the pressure of revealing your identity. The end of which, we intend to craft a breathtaking novel, that will showcase to the world the extraordinary strength that lies within each of us. Each chapter unveiling a new story, a new journey of determination, courage and the unbreakable human spirit. A tribute to all who have faced unimaginable challenges and are ready for the world to hear their truth!

You, dear survivor, embody strength not because you are untouched by pain, but because of your unyielding determination to rise each time you fall! Your scars are not a symbol of weakness; instead, they stand as a testament to your resilience. A heart scarred yet beating, a spirit bent but unbroken. Your story is a masterpiece, forged in the fires of trauma, shaped by the hands of survival, and whispered among the shadows.

Witness as your narrative blossoms into a tapestry woven with strength, resilience, and unwavering courage. Embark with us on a journey of empowerment and inspiration through the transformative force of storytelling! Let us honor the quiet bravery that surrounds us, drawing comfort from each other’s shared stories. 

We stand ready to tell the world your truth, standing by your side as you embrace your inner panda. Knowing that some of the most powerful stories are the ones that have yet to be told.

What are you waiting for?